On Monday, January 27, the Indian Premier League (IPL) Chairman, Arun Singh Dhumal confirmed that the upcoming edition of the cash-rich league will commence from March 21. Millions of fans of the IPL, arguably the biggest franchise cricket tournament in the world, were waiting for the official announcement of the start date for quite some time, and the IPL Chairman himself took the opportunity to reveal the starting date after earlier .
Notably, in November of 2024, the sought-after auction for the 2025 edition of the IPL was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where all the 10 teams of the tournament got the opportunity to complete their respective squads. The three of the highest paid players for the upcoming season of the IPL are Rishabh Pant, Shreyas Iyer, and Ventkatesh Iyer of Lucknow Super Giants, Punjab Kings, and the defending champions Kolkata Knight Riders respectively.
IPL 2025 to start from March 21; confirms IPL Chairman Arun Dhumal
Speaking during the third edition of the Sansad Khel Mahakumbh, Dhumal said, "See, the IPL season will start in March. The time is set for March 21. And the schedule will be released in a few days." He also added that the final dates will be announced soon with Dharamsala Cricket Stadium also hosting a few matches in the cash-rich league.
"Definitely, many national matches are being organised here in Bilaspur. Next time too, Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy, Vijay Hazare trophy, whatever the matches will be played, Bilaspur will definitely get an offer. It is an effort that Dharamshala also gets matches and will definitely get an offer. Hopefully, last time there were two, this time there will be three,' Dhumal told reporters.
He also added that there will be no major rule changes in the IPL as he added, 'No, there is no significant change in the rules. IPL is the most important cricket league in the world, where the players of the world come and play. And this tournament is organized with a very competitive spirit. And definitely, this time it will be even better."