Delhi: Team India's star batsman Rinku Singh has got engaged. His ban has happened with Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj from Machlishahr, Uttar Pradesh. This couple is going to get married soon. Rinku Singh has been selected in the Indian team for the T20 series against England, which will start from January 22.
Who is Priya Saroj?
Priya Saroj, who became an MP at the age of just 25, had won a landslide victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Machli Shehar seat in Uttar Pradesh from Samajwadi Party. His father, Toofani Saroj, has also been a three-time MP from this seat. Priya has studied from Delhi University and has also been a lawyer. Along with politics, she has also been ahead in education.
Got a chance in England series
Rinku Singh has got a chance in the India and England series starting from 22 January. In this series, Rinku has a good chance to score big runs while batting at number 5 and the news of her engagement has given her fans another chance to be happy.
Rinku Singh's cricket career
Rinku Singh has made his special place in Indian cricket at a very young age. After his brilliant performance in IPL, he got a place in the Indian team. He was part of the team that won the T20 World Cup last year, although as a reserve player. Kolkata Knight Riders have once again retained him for the upcoming IPL season. His performance has always proved good.