Strict action taken on Pakistani players, PCB gives strict warning, failure in this task will result in punishment

Rahul Tiwari


Strict action taken on Pakistani players, PCB gave strict warning, if they fail in this task, they will be punished.

The performance of Pakistan cricket team in the last one year has disappointed the fans as well as the cricket board. Even after changes in captaincy, coaching staff and some players, the results have not changed. Controversies ranging from differences in the team to lack of unity have come to light, efforts are being made to resolve them, but there is another issue, which may now weigh heavily on the players and may cause them to lose their place in the team. This is fitness, due to which now the Pakistani board is in no mood to make any compromise and the players have been given strict instructions in this matter.

If you fail in fitness then you will not get the contract!

According to PTI report, both the new coaches of Pakistan cricket team, Jason Gillespie and Gary Kirsten, have refused to give exemption to Pakistan Cricket Board chief Mohsin Naqvi in ​​fitness matters. After this suggestion of both the coaches, the Pakistani board has given a strict warning to 6-7 players included in the central contract. These players have been told in simple words that they should improve their fitness, otherwise not only will they not be selected, but they will also be thrown out of the contract.

The Pakistan Cricket Board has not yet announced its central contract for the new cricket season, which usually lasts till July-August. Players included in the central contract get annual fees according to different grades, out of which some players get salaries in crores of Pakistani rupees. If the fitness of some of these players comes under question then there is bound to be a huge loss. This will apply not only to national players but also to players having domestic contracts.

Fitness test will be held on 30th September

In the report, quoting a Pakistani board official, it has been said that in the fitness test conducted a few months ago, some players of the team were found failed on different parameters. These players were then given 2 months time, in which they were warned to improve. Now on Monday, September 30, the players will undergo fitness test again under the supervision of the trainer and physio of the Pakistani team in Lahore, the report of which will be sent to the board and then action is likely to be taken.

It is also being claimed that this time the Pakistani board is also considering reducing the number of players in the central contract. Last year, 27 players were included in the list of central contracts, but this time this number may reduce. A major reason for this is that both the new coaches are giving priority to the performance and behavior of the players, on the basis of which emphasis is being laid on contracts and selection.

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