Pakistani players took money to lose the match against India! Now this Pakistani player himself created a sensation by giving a statement

Rahul Tiwari


These days, Team India is playing the T20 World Cup on Caribbean soil and the Indian team has now qualified for the next stage of the T20 World Cup. Team India has badly defeated teams like America, Ireland and Pakistan in the group stage.

When the Indian team defeated Pakistan in this tournament, the news started spreading on social media that the BCCI management had fixed the match to make Team India win. Apart from this, there is also news that many players have taken money to lose the match.

This player was accused of match fixing

Imdad Wasim

In the T20 World Cup, Team India has badly defeated the Pakistan team and after this match, news started spreading on social media that Pakistani players have done match fixing. A few days after this match, Pakistan's spinner Imad Wasim held a press conference and after this he is being declared a fixer on social media. Many such facts are being presented by supporters on social media which prove that there has been some rigging somewhere.

Imad Wasim did match fixing!

These days, there are many such posts on social media in which the facts are being given that Pakistan cricket team's best all-rounder Imad Wasim has done match fixing against the Indian team in the T20 World Cup. If he had not been involved in fixing, then the Pakistan team would have been successful in winning this match.

Imad Wasim was called a fixer on social media

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